Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Two-seam

Before I go to another Sky Sox game, I should probably recap the last one I attended.  Or at least recap the between-innings entertainment.
My view of the field, partially obstructed by Cow Ripken Jr.

The night was July 5, 2012.  A patriotic fireworks display was originally scheduled to follow the game, but just like the last game I went to, it was canceled.  Instead, the Sky Sox brass brilliantly secured the performance of the Zooperstars.

Behold, the dance moves of Donovan McCrab and Ken Giraffey Jr.:

Also performing was hungry, hungry Roger Clamens:

And, yes, Cow Ripken Jr. had some problems while dancing with Dennis Frogman:

God Bless America.

Now about that next Sky Sox game...

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