Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This smells like the year...

What a beautiful picture. A clean slate. In little over five hours, the umpires will declare 'Play Ball' or ボールを演じてください!But for right now, the score is tied. Nothing-Nothing. I'm sure some of you out there are thinking who's winning???

Well, based on the draft results, according to the Hunchmaster, it's the Colorado Tumbleweed. This certainly wasn't meant to be a self edifying post, but I thought I'd share the Draft Value Rankings according to the Hunchmaster.

  Team                   PTS
1. Colorado Tumbleweed 8465
2. One Bad Pitch 7948
3. Left Outs 7874
4. Bo Knows 7691
5. Hosmer & Record 6 7394
6. Bizarro Royals 7217
7. Pioneer Skies 7102
8. Morales Low 7076
9. BackSliders 7061
10. Bloomington Baseball 6874

Bear in mind these are raw draft totals - the predicted values of the entire team that was drafted, so as to say that expected team totals would be lower based on some of the players spending time on the bench. Of course, it will be up to the managers to make the most effective use of their teams. As they say, "that's why they play the game".

Note Bloomington Baseball drafted one player that will be starting the season in the minors and that player projects a score of zero.

Did Ernie say Let's play two in Japan? Or did he mean two hundred years? Oh someday we'll go all the way. This smells like the year!


  1. Jeff, this isn't the first year that you have been projected to finish first...


  2. You said it yourself... there is nothing new under the sun...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Funny how the Hunchmaster routinely predicts Jeff will win the league. Perhaps it knows the hand that feeds it. Just a hunch...
